Addiction and Recovery

DocDawn is an expert in the field of Addiction Medicine. Her deep knowledge in the field has been acquired through formal postgraduate training as well as through her own life experience. She relates intimately with issues surrounding substance abuse and process addictions, as she has walked the path of self-destructive behaviors and dysfunctional relationships. She has successfully been in recovery since 1984 and leads a healthy, happy lifestyle today.

Acknowledging your addiction is the first step towards recovery. DocDawn has the tools, knowledge and expertise to help you to determine whether or not a problem exists. Experienced and continuing to work in both hospital medicine and family practice, she also counsels families who are dealing with loved ones who are addicted.

Life Coach Erik Landvik works with with DocDawn to provide you with skills that will help you recover. You deserve to enjoy a life free from the struggles that come with drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, gambling, sex and relationship obsession, shopping, hoarding, and any substance or process addiction.

With a positive attitude and a committed determination to live a healthy lifestyle in mind, body and spirit, DocDawn and her associate, Erik Landvik will dedicate themselves to consulting with you to achieve your goals of living a fulfilling life.

Both DocDawn and Erik Landvik are available for phone consultations and have patients and clients in all parts of the country. See contact information for email and phone.

DocDawn is also available as a speaker for civic groups, hospitals, and medical societies. Please contact DocDawn for more information and availability.

Happy Recovery to you!



DocDawn has authored four books, ranging from a medical missionary journey, addiction and recovery, and book about one woman's journey from vegetarian to hunter and her hunting adventures . Find out more about her books.

Trauma and Abuse Survivors can find information here

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